Worker guides

Workers Compensation and Injury Management: A Guide for Workers 
A comprehensive guide to assist you through the workers compensation process, injury management and return to work.

Fact Sheet – Return to Work Worker Obligations
This fact sheet outlines the obligations of the worker throughout the return to work process.

Noise induced hearing loss

A Guide to Noise Induced Hearing Loss
A comprehensive guide on your obligations regarding noise induced hearing loss.

Work related hearing loss claims – Employer and worker fact sheet
A fact sheet that outlines the process of claims for noise induced hearing loss for workers and employers.

NIHL Directory of Service Providers
A directory of approved hearing testers in Western Australia.

Dust diseases

Dust Disease Claims Fact Sheet

Silicosis Claims in the Engineered Stone Benchtop Industry
This fact sheet provides information on setting out the process for making a compensation claim for workers with a provisional or confirmed diagnosis of silicosis, and the responsibility of insurers where a claim has been made.