General practitioners

General practitioners perform an integral function in progressing the medical forms for workers compensation claims.

Allied health providers
Allied health providers are encouraged to access the Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services.

Approved permanent impairment assessors
Approval criteria and conditions of approval Forms

Form APIA1: Permanent Impairment Assessment – report and certificate
This form is used by the APIA to produce a report certifying a worker’s degree of permanent impairment. The approved permanent impairment assessor is to forward this report to the worker, the employer and the employers insurer.

Form APIA2: Permanent Impairment Assessment – request
This form is used by worker, insurer, or self-insurer to request assessment of workers degree of permanent impairment.

Form APIA3: Permanent Impairment Assessment – requirement to attend
This form indicates a requirement to attend an impairment assessment.

Form APIA4: Permanent Impairment Assessment – provision of information
This form is used when an approved permanent impairment assessor requires a worker, employer or employer’s insurer to produce relevant documents and information to assist in the impairment assessment. The worker, employer or employer’s insurer must provide relevant documents or information to the approved permanent impairment assessor.

Form APIA5: Permanent Impairment Assessment – consent to provision of information
This form is used by an approved permanent impairment assessor when they require consent from the worker, employer or employer’s insurer, for another party to provide relevant documents or information required for the impairment assessment.

Form APIA6: Permanent Impairment Assessment – condition not stabilised notice
The approved permanent impairment assessor uses this form when the worker has been assessed, but their injury has not stabilised to the extent required by the Act and the WorkCover WA Guides for the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. The approved permanent impairment assessor is to forward this report to the worker, the employer and the employers insurer.

Form APIA7: Permanent Impairment Assessment – Psychiatric impairment rating form
The approved permeant impairment assessor uses this form when the impairment assessment involves a psychiatric injury.

Form Permanent Impairment Notice
This form is used by the worker and employer to indicate whether or not the employer agrees with the assessed degree of permanent impairment.

Form Permanent Impairment – further assessment 
This form is used by the employer to request a further assessment if the employer does not agree with the assessed degree of permanent impairment. the cost of further assessment to be paid by the employer.


WorkCover WA Guidelines for the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment – 1 July 2024
This guide is used by Approved Permanent Impairment Assessors when evaluating the degree of an injured worker’s permanent impairment.

WorkCover WA Guidance Notes for Approved Permanent Impairment Assessors – procedures for the permanent impairment assessment process – Coming soon
Outlines the methodology, process and terminology of the impairment assessment process.

Approved permanent impairment assessors application packs

APIA Application Pack – SPECIALIST – Medical Practitioners
Information on how to apply to become a specialist APIA medical practitioner.

APIA Application Pack – NON-SPECIALIST – Medical Practitioners
Information on how to apply to become a non-specialist APIA medical practitioner.

Workplace rehabilitation providers

Register of approved workplace rehabilitation providers (WorkCover WA Online)

Completed applications should be emailed to

Applications to become an approved workplace rehabilitation provider Principles and Standards

Workplace Rehabilitation Providers Principles and Standards of Practice (Principles and Standards)
The Principles and Standards were developed to outline WorkCover WA’s baseline expectations of WRPs operating in the scheme.

Principles of Practice for Workplace Rehabilitation Providers (Principles)
WorkCover WA is a signatory to the Principles developed by the Heads of Workers’ Compensation Authorities, and any organisation seeking to become an approved WRP will need to demonstrate that they conform to the Principles.

Workplace Rehabilitation Providers Capability Framework

Workplace Rehabilitation Providers Capability Framework
The Capability Framework sets out the practices, skills, and behaviours expected of workplace rehabilitation providers in the Western Australia workers compensation scheme, on entry to the industry and throughout their career.

Foundations of Workers Compensation: Workplace Rehabilitation Providers

Foundations of Workers Compensation: Workplace Rehabilitation Providers
This easy to navigate online course is designed to assist WRPs to improve their knowledge of the workers compensation scheme, and develop the skills required to optimise their performance and client service delivery.

WorkCover WA Online

WorkCover WA Online User Guide – Workplace Rehabilitation Providers
A user guide for WRPs learning to use WorkCover WA Online.

Information Sheet – Workplace Rehabilitation – Worker’s Status at Referral and Closure
Information on declaring a worker’s status at referral and closure of their workplace rehabilitation.

Information Sheet – Workplace Rehabilitation – Closure Reasons
Information on valid reasons for closing a workers workplace rehabilitation program.

Forms and templates

Return to work program
Form used when developing a return-to-work program.

Workplace Rehabilitation Referral 
Form used when referring an injured worker to a WRP.

Service Delivery Plan
Form used when developing a service delivery plan.

Workplace Rehabilitation Referral Closure
Form used when closing a worker’s workplace rehabilitation program.

Consent Form
A form that assists WRPs in advising workers of their rights, responsibilities and conflicts of interest.

Referral Checklist
A checklist of items that need to be completed upon a worker’s referral to your organisation.

Initial Assessment Report
The report completed at commencement of a worker’s rehabilitation to assess their current health.

Progress Report
The report that’s completed throughout a worker’s rehabilitation to track their progress.

Closure Report
The report that’s completed upon closure of a worker’s workplace rehabilitation.

Hearing testers

NIHL Directory of Service Providers
A directory of approved hearing testers in Western Australia.

For forms and fact sheets, visit the Noise induced hearing loss section on the Resources page.