WorkCover WA provides the following translation and interpreter services.

Publications in English can be downloaded from the Forms and publications section.
You can request assistance from an interpreter if you are:

  • an injured worker
  • an approved rehabilitation provider
  • a medical practitioner
  • an injured worker’s friend or member of the family.

Interpreters are available during business hours and the cost will be covered by WorkCover WA. With 24 hours’ notice, an interpreter can be made available to assist you with:

  • customer desk queries
  • completing forms and applications
  • teleconferences, conciliation and arbitration hearings for disputed claims.

Translator and Interpreter service providers

You may choose from the following service providers:

  • Translators International: 9321 1960
  • Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS): 131 450 for telephone interpreters or 1300 655 082 for on-site interpreters (face-to-face interviews)
  • WA Interpreters Pty Ltd: 9361 3248.

Please note services are only available during WorkCover WA business hours – Monday to Friday, between 8am and 5pm Western Standard Time.

Telephone interpreting
If you require the assistance of an interpreter:

  • Step 1 – Telephone: 131 450 between 8am and 5pm Western Standard Time Monday to Friday
  • Step 2 – Tell the operator the language you speak
  • Step 3 – Tell the operator that you would like to speak to WorkCover WA Advisory Service on 1300 794 744.

Please note services are only available during WorkCover WA business hours – Monday to Friday, between 8am and 5pm Western Standard Time.

We encourage you to give us your compliments, suggestions or complaints through our Customer First Feedback System.
If you require assistance to provide your feedback, you may request the services of a translator (see above).