There are a number of obligations you must meet regarding workers compensation and injury management. These obligations are designed to reduce the financial impact of a work-related injury or illness on your business, as well as the operational impact of managing an injured worker’s rehabilitation and return to work.

Read our Workers Compensation Insurance – Employer Essentials Fact Sheet for more information.

Covering your workers
Find out about your obligation to cover anyone you employ for workers compensation, including contractors and sub-contractors, family members and working directors.

Go to Covering your workers.

Reporting accidents and dust diseases
Learn more about your obligations regarding reportable accidents and dust diseases.

Go to Reporting accidents and dust diseases.

Injury management systems
Find out about your requirement to establish an injury management system.

Go to Injury management systems.

Managing claims and return to work
Find out about your obligations for managing workers compensation claims and an injured worker’s return to work.

Go to Receiving and managing claims and Return to work.

Noise induced hearing loss
Find out about your obligations regarding noise induced hearing loss claims.

Go to Noise induced hearing loss.

Find out how a workers compensation claim can be finalised with a settlement.

Go to Settlements.

Labour hire employers
Find out about your obligations as a labour hire employer to cover your workers, support their return to work when injured, and make accurate wage declarations for premium assessment purposes.

Employer Compliance Policy
The Employer Compliance Policy outlines our approach to enforcement actions when an employer has no workers compensation policy in place, or has an expired or lapsed policy.